  • IP属地: 山东

Bahia Cabana大楼

  Bahia Cabana大楼/ Garcia Stromberg Architects关键词:iarch专筑,专筑视频,专筑讲坛,专筑网   标签:建筑, 混合体, 酒店, 住宅, 商业, 佛罗里达州, 劳德代尔堡市, Garcia Stromberg Architects   由专筑网雷君,刘庆新编译   来自开发商的描述:Bahia Cabana创新愿景和建筑设计获得城市土地学会(ULI)认可,该组织是最负盛名的房地产行业和国家专业教育机构。2015年十月在三藩召开的全国俱乐部会议上,这座建筑称得上是唯一在南佛罗里达州建立的标志性建筑。   PROJECT DESCRIPTION   FROM THE DEVELOPER (July 31, 2015):   The innovative vision and architectural design for Bahia Cabana was recently recognized by the Urban Land Institute (ULI), the most prestigious real estate industry and professional educational organization in the country. Bahia Cabana has the distinction of beingthe only South Florida development selected to showcase a top iconic property at ULI’s national conference in San Francisco in October 2015.   Bahia Cabana项目是唯一一个尚未投入建设,其设计方案就已经被ULI选中。其具有新的混合用途的酒店、住宅和商业发展:其独特的建筑设计方案,适用于一个独特的空间,这里是公共和私人空间的结合,公共空间可用来参观,能看到海滨美景,滨水码头可以被有效使用。   Additionally, Bahia Cabana was the only design ULI selected for a project that has yet to be built, an unprecedented honor. The new mixed-us



  庭院住宅 / FORM | Kouichi Kimura Architects关键词:iarch专筑,专筑视频,专筑讲坛,专筑网   标签:建筑, 居住建筑, 住宅, 日本, 滋贺县, 2015, FORM | Kouichi Kimura Architects, U型   由专筑网刘庆新,祝屾编译   来自事务所的描述。项目位于大片农田自由延伸的广阔场地,西侧与远山景致交相辉映,连同牌坊门与神社一同构成了极具原来日本园林视觉感的独特景观。   From the architect. The site is located in a relaxed area where fields and farms are stretching. The west side of the site is visually connected to the distant hill, making the site look like the original Japanese landscape, together with the Torii gate and the approach to the adjacent shrine.   在这样的环境下,房子的主人要求我们最大限度利用约330平米宽敞的场地,并将建筑融入周围景致中,因此我们将住宅设计为保护隐私的U形建筑。   Surrounded by such an environment, a house was requested which blends with the scenery while making the best use of the spacious site of about 330 m2. Incorporating this scenery, the house was then designed to form a U-shaped building with courtyard which secures privacy.   建筑形态设计与周围景观及通往神社的参道和谐相融。考虑到材质与空间层次变化,建筑室内由开放式套房组成,以保证各空间的独立性与舒适感,而每层的装饰都不相同,每个空间都营造出独特的景观。   The building form accords with the surrounding views a


波哥大商贸大楼 / 丹尼尔伯尼拉建筑师事务所

  本项目提出了一个问题,即一个在城市不知名角落中的公共建筑如何为人们带来都市生活。因此我们构想出一个场所,使首层地面倾斜创造人工地形,并且通过传统平台空间和所创造的城市露台为那些上下的公共入口增添活力。   From the architect. The urban   The project is proposed under the question of how a public building located in an anonymous corner of the city can provide urban life. We thus formulate a siting where the floor plan tilts to build an artificial topography, creating an interesting dynamic with the traditional space of the platform and producing an urban balcony that adds to many public accesses in ascent or descent.   内部   设计将建筑的正常运营空间和附属空间区分开,包括:一个循环使用的辅助体量,它的作用是连接各层并为建筑提供辅助设备空间;另一个活泼的棱柱体体量提供活动空间。这个空间设计的构想在未来可以承担无限的变化。在它们之间有一个与附属空间分开,可以称为“中庭”的缝隙空间。这个空间加强了两个体量的关系,也是自然采光和通风的入口。   The content   The program is broken down between operating and support areas, comprising: a circulation and operational support volume, that serves to connect the levels and provide complementary technical areas to the building. A volume or flexible prism serves to accommodate the activities. It is conceived as a space capable


罗戴尔餐厅/ Isay Weinfeld

  来自设计师的描述:罗戴尔是巴西圣保罗的一家非常传统的“churrascaria”(牛排餐厅),已有60年历史,它把它的第一间分店开设在一栋高层建筑中,寻求自身新的突破。   From the architect. Rodeio is a very traditional “churrascaria” (steakhouse) in São Paulo, Brazil. After 60 years’ operation, it opened its first branch in a high-rise building and sought a contemporary ambience.   在巴西,“churrasco”指的是用长铁钎串肉在碳火上烤,这道菜肴源自于巴西南部,是风行于当地称为“vaqueiros”的牛仔中的一道经典菜式。   The Brazilian “churrasco”, meats on large skewers grilled over hot coals, has its roots in southern Brazil, as a typical dish among “vaqueiros”, as cowboys are called in the region.   罗戴尔餐厅的室内设计上可以感受到源自这道菜肴的发祥地的气息:墙壁上挂着牛皮绳鞭,以牛皮做椅垫及墙面装饰,天花板和地板都选用暗色调的木板。   Rodeio’s interior design draws slight reference from those origins, seen on the ropes hanging on walls, on the cowhides used to upholster chairs and cover walls, and on the dark wood found on panels and the ceiling.   位于一楼的吧台是进入餐厅的必经之路,电梯能直通8楼抵达大堂。长长的烧烤台位于餐厅的中部,与餐厅中央的下沉空间一起将餐厅空间分成三部分。   One enters the restaurant through the bar, on the ground floor of the building. An elevator ta



  建筑探索与设计研究所提交的,具有强烈色彩感的布达佩斯新摄影与建筑博物馆方案,荣获点亮布达佩斯设计大赛季军。这个让人为之一震的蓝色流线型建筑不仅将成为布达佩斯城市公园的第一道亮丽风景,还会成为匈牙利首都一处新兴的文化地标。   Taking home third place in the Liget Budapest competition, the Laboratory for Explorative Architecture and Design (LEAD) has proposed a colorful design for Budapest’s new photography and architecture museums. A stunning shade of blue, the undulating buildings will mark the entrance to Budapest City Park, and provide a new cultural hotspot for Hungary’s capital city.   这两座博物馆建筑最令人瞩目的是其庞大、流线型的屋顶。这种用木质胶合层积材设计成网状构成屋顶梁体,不仅使建筑结构变轻,其独一无二的设计更是完美地融入了周边自然景观和博物馆主题。屋顶蓝色外观是由一片片蓝色琉璃片组合。琉璃瓦是能满足屋顶卷状设计的少数材质之一,也是现今匈牙利流行的建筑装饰。琉璃自身蓝青色的格调使得博物馆酷似冬日里树木的华盖,同时让这个有高度辨识感的项目与周围环境区分开。   Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the two museums is their large, curving roofs. Built out of glulaminated timber beams, shaped into catenary curves to reduce structural stress, the unique shape of these roofs are meant to connect them to the organic nature of the park, and to cater to the needs of the interior program. Their blue co


Stormen文化中心 / DRDH Architects

  来自事务所的描述。Stormen文化中心是DRDH建筑事务所在挪威博德市设计的一个地标性建筑作品,旨在为这个城市打造一个新的文化区,它包括一座6300平方米的图书馆和一座11200平方米带有三个厅的音乐厅。DRDH建筑事务所在继2008年城市文化区总体规划设计公开赛中获胜后,受邀参加了这个项目的国际竞赛,并且在2009年赢得了设计权。这两栋建筑都考虑了周围环境的特性,成为了城市与自然景观之间的过渡,使整个城市的维持着一种如家庭般和谐的关系。对于建筑的外观设计,两栋建筑的立面都展现了由预制混凝土打造的横梁结构以及由当地白色石材组成的外墙,两者之间产生了一种奇妙的韵律感。屋顶和塔楼之间相互呼应,图书馆创造了水平体量,从音乐厅越过图书馆可以眺望远处壮丽的高山大海。   From the architect. Stormen is a landmark project to create a new cultural quarter for the city of Bodø, Norway comprised of two buildings by DRDH architects, a 6,300m2 Library and a 11,200m2 three-auditorium Concert Hall. In 2009, DRDH was awarded the design of the project through an invited international competition. The invitation to compete followed a previous open competition win for the masterplan of the city’s Cultural Quarter in 2008. Both buildings respond to the particularities of their context, situated between city and landscape, whilst maintaining a familial relationship that creates an urban ensemble. Externally, both façades display a trabeated construction of p


最小结构城市小屋 中国青年建筑师崛起

  全世界第一条太阳能自行车道   绿色,环保,节能,这些概念在近年已然悄然形成潮流。而潮流总会推动产生一些不那么理性的事情。比如上周,来自荷兰的一个小组宣布他们在阿姆斯特丹整出了“全世界第一条太阳能自行车道”。这条车道有70米长,在水泥中铺了一层光伏电池。据称这条车道通过太阳能能供应三个家庭的用电。但是阿姆斯特丹真的找不到一块可以按光伏板的屋顶吗?还是把“太阳能”和“自行车”这两个标志性的物体牵强的联系在一起,只是为了造一个关于环保的图腾?   古巴建筑师理查德·波洛逝世   古巴著名流亡建筑师、古巴国家艺术学校设计者之一:理查德·波洛,上周因心脏衰竭死于法国巴黎,享年89岁。   故事要回溯到古巴革命还没成功的时候——那时卡斯特罗和格瓦拉两位亲密战友曾经构想过一个国家艺术学校。当革命成功之后,他们找到了波洛和另两位意大利建筑师,委托他们进行设计。作为当时南美有影响力的现代主义者,波洛在设计中灌注了很多别出心裁的想法。卡斯特罗在1961年曾说:古巴要有世界上最美的艺术学院。但1962年古巴导弹危机爆发,政治风向骤变。在苏联的影响下古巴当局开始认为波洛的设计是奢侈、浪费、个人表现以及资产阶级化,将他送上法庭之后驱逐出境。从此之后波洛再也没能回到故土。后来古巴艺术学校也没能完成,逐渐被荒废,变成了废墟。   委内瑞拉音乐中心   所以说建筑师不能没有政治敏感性。现在来说说盖里的事。2012年盖里收到委托,为委内瑞拉第四大城市巴基西梅托设计一座国家级音乐中心。   上周,盖里向委内瑞拉总统马杜罗(蓝衣者)展示了这座音乐厅的模型。关注南美的朋友可能知道,马杜罗是个颇有决心的人,试图挽救查韦斯留下的一塌糊涂的经济。为此他试图引入中国资本来实现目标。不过不知道盖里在做出这个比路易斯威登博物馆还复杂的设计之前,有没有去看看加拉加斯的贫民窟和大卫之塔,或者对委内瑞拉的现实情况有所了解。看到这一堆东西,马杜罗总统的想法都写在脸上。   美国波特兰大厦   作为美国后现代主义建筑最有代表性的例子之一的波特兰大厦,在此前一直传出即将被拆除的消息,因为它出现了一些结构裂缝,可能导致抗震性能不达标。但现在,它的设计者格雷夫斯对媒体说,这座大楼得救了。波特兰市要求格雷夫斯重新设计一些补救措施,看样子它还会挺立很久。另外根据报导,波特兰市民普遍“非常非常讨厌”这座建筑。


林荫公寓/ Alventosa Morell 建筑事务所

  建筑室内规划景观园林艺术家具林荫公寓/ Alventosa Morell 建筑事务所   来自事务所的描述。设计灵感来源于一次与业主关于能源枯竭和提高人们环保意识的迫切性的谈话。项目落建在巴塞罗那市的科赛罗拉山脉广袤的自然保护区内。   From the architect. The project arises from previous talks with the client, where we shared concerns about the depletion of fossil fuels, as well as the need to be more respectful of the immediate surroundings. The project is located within the Collserola mountain range, the vast nature reserve of Barcelona.   公寓坐落在一个小山丘的南麓,是一片被葱郁植以独特的弧度环绕的整洁的空间,在这里能让人从巴塞罗那市区高节奏的生活压力中放松下来。   The site, located on the southern slope of a small hill, is a very neat plot that creates a unique slope due to its dense vegetation, where it is easy to relax from the stress of Barcelona and its metropolitan area.   关注到业主本身注重可持续建筑和想要创造温馨的家庭环境的需求,我们制定了明确的策略:建一座节能建筑,同时使项目的建筑元素与业主一起创造出一个浪漫的家庭氛围,这些建筑元素包括朴素的泥土小径、老橡树旁的石桌,室内视野和傍山而建的设计。   By sharing the client’s concerns towards sustainable buildings, and being thrilled with the nostalgia with which they told us of family experiences lived in this plot, we had a very cl


掌握10大技巧 熟练使用Revit

  建筑室内规划景观园林艺术家具掌握10大技巧 熟练使用   快捷键技巧优化你的Autodesk软件,这本身就是一件非常重要的技术活。为使得Revit发挥极限性能,,HP 和Intel向CASE公司的专家请教。今天我们将向您呈现从快捷键到锁定复杂集合体的面的Revit 十大技巧:   使用快捷键   快捷键的使用为聪明的用户们节省了很多宝贵时间和精力。日常使用最多的快捷键是激活与钝化窗口,可以在图纸排版的时候帮助我们节约很多时间。   Optimizing your Autodesk software for all it’s worth that is a skill unto itself. To help maximize Revit’s full capabilities, HP and Intel turned to the Revit experts at CASE. Today, we present the top 10 tricks for making Revit work for you, from easy keyboard hacks to getting a lockdown on complex geometry faces:   1: Keyboard Shortcuts   Utilizing shortcuts saves much-needed time and energy for clever Revit users. The most habitually run shortcut preference is the activation and deactivation of viewports, a helpful time-sparing tool when laying out sheets.   (这个地方看他的意思是在 图纸 创建 视图 的时候可以直接双击进入视窗,在图纸界面就可以编辑其他所有的平立剖,但是就我和卢文虎讨论的结果来说这个功能一般是不实用快捷键的,所以这里我觉得应该是快捷方式)   本文转载自:专筑网iarch.cn 转载请注明出处


科尼亚城市体育馆 / Bahadır Kul Architect

  建筑室内规划景观园林艺术家具科尼亚城市体育馆 / Bahadır Kul Architects   科尼亚城市体育馆坐落在城市北部,距离市中心9km,占地面积约450000㎡。场馆内部包含一个足球运动场、一个游泳馆、一个自行车赛车场和一个广场。人们可以通过铁路运输系统、自驾、公共交通等多种方式到达。科尼亚城市体育馆是科尼亚城市文化符号与现代建筑相互碰撞的产物。建筑的外立面白绿相间的颜色正是代表了这个城市的足球队。   Konya City Stadium is located on the north of the city, 9 km away from the city center on an area of 450,000 m2. A sports hall, swimming pool, veledrome and a concourse is also available on the site plan. The transportion is provided by the railway system, private vehicles and public transport. Konya City Stadium, is designed with an approach of harmonizing the cultural codes with contemporary structure. The exterior of the structure is in white-green colors which symbolizes the city football team.   建筑的平面布置是根据欧足联的标准设计的。场馆分上下两层看台,总共可容纳42000人。看台是环形的,在东南西北四个方向均设有座位区。在观众就坐的看台下面有设置多个厕所和零售区,足够为场馆内的所有人提供服务。足球场根据国际足联和欧洲足联的标准铺设人工草皮,并且从地底对草皮进行加热。   Planning of the structure is based on UEFA criterias. The total seating capacity of the stadium which is 42,000 is seperated as the lower and the upper in the



  如果12生肖重新竞争上岗,最适合2015年的生肖无疑是“摩天大楼”,http://www.iarch.cn/thread-27072-1-1.html因为将有十栋超过1100英尺的高层建筑在这一年开业。不过这些有创意的设计也越来越落地了。这里,我们为一些有趣的建筑列出了一个简介。   If the Chinese zodiac calendar was flexible, 2015 could well be the Year of the Skyscraper, with ten new buildings over 1,100 feet in height set to open before the end of the year. But innovative designs are being carried out closer to the ground as well. Here’s our handy guide to some of the most interesting buildings slated for completion next year.   公园大道432号, Rafael Viñoly设计,美国 纽约   这栋刷新曼哈顿天际线的大楼为89层的豪华公寓楼,目前是纽约市最昂贵的住宅楼(其中有价值九百五十万美元一户的住宅)。大厦外观高耸、细长,尽管它可能终将淹没在未来类似建筑形态的大厦的丛林中,但目前它这种外观仍使其在周围景观中傲然孑立。   432 Park Avenue by Rafael Viñoly, New York, USA   The newest addition to the Manhattan skyline is an 89-story luxury residential tower boasting some of New York’s most expensive condos (including a $95 million penthouse unit). Tall and strikingly thin, it remains visually separate from the surrounding landscape for now, although future plans for buildings with sim


弹出式公寓/ TallerDE2 Arquitectos

  来自事务所的描述。http://www.iarch.cn/thread-27074-1-1.html大都会单身人士住所弹出式公寓是马德里一栋住宅建筑内房间的综合性利用,使其由19世纪中期的老建筑变成为年轻人所用。   From the architect. Residence for a Metropolitan Single ‘The POP-UP House’ is a comprehensive intervention in a house in a Madrid residential building from the mid-twentieth century to a newly emancipated user.   弹出式公寓是对以下两种现象交织的实验性探索:一方面,它是对被称为“单身现象”的社会学现象的一种探索,这种现象与大都市里单身家庭的增长息息相关;另一方面,因为它本身拥有独立性与共融性的概念,于是项目也是对在家用基础设施上采用轻薄家具家的一次尝试。   ‘The POP-UP House’ is an experiment that investigates the intersection of two situations: on one hand, it is an exploration of a sociological phenomenon linked to the growing number of single-person households in the metropolis -called “single phenomenon” (1); and on the other, it is the test of the accomplice infiltration- because it is individual and interactive -of thin furniture of domestic infrastructure (2).   1、单身现象   越来越多发达国家所体现出一个共同的全球化现象——单身住宅服务于独居的住户。与常见的合住现象不同,网络及社交圈中越来越流行 “独居而不再孤独”;因为生活观念的提升,思想解放的女性和大量年青社会精英不愿与人共用空间,独居成为一种新的模式。   1. Single Phenomenon


低调的华丽--KUTO大楼/ KINO建筑师事务所

  调的华丽--KUTO大楼/ KINO建筑师事务所   来自建筑事务所的描述。http://www.iarch.cn/thread-27083-1-1.html这个复杂的建筑位于东京市中心的一条购物街,这是个曾经繁华的购物街,后来失去了往日的活力。有轨电车的运行轨道与购物街平行,与电车一侧连接的道路正在拓宽,同时这条街上的许多建筑开始重建,本次项目也是其中之一。KURO Building 的一楼作为一间面食餐厅,二楼被用作自用空间,三楼、四楼则用于住宅出租。   From the architect. The complex building on a shopping street of the Tokyo downtown area. This shopping street is losing once activity. The streetcar is running to this shopping street in parallel. In connection with the road of the side of a streetcar being widened, many buildings on this shopping street start to rebuild. This building is also one of them. The second floor is used as the house of a client, the first floor as noodle shop of a client, and the third and the fourth floor as the rental housing.   业主从小就在这个地方生活,所以希望该建筑有一种存在感,既不要被周围的环境所淹没,也不要太过引人注目。我们的目标是使建筑适度突出,并能在很长一段时间里始终保持它的存在感。   The client lives in this area from childhood. While needing a presence which is not buried under surroundings, too much conspicuousness is not desirable. We aim for the building which


上海惠山区北外滩/ EE&K

  来自于建筑事务所的描述。http://www.iarch.cn/thread-27085-1-1.html惠山北外滩项目的面积为255,000平方米,是对上海市历史悠久的虹口区滨水区域的复兴与重建的重要节点。作为一个广泛的、多阶段河滨复兴的首创,北外滩沿着蜿蜒的黄浦江延伸了几公里。这个曾经是偏远的航运港口的地方,现在已经成为一个重要的公共商业和休闲中心。同时也是重新连接城市和外滩的重要枢纽。   From the architect. Huishan North Bund is the 255,000 sm anchor redevelopment for the transformation of the historic Hongkou District waterfront in Shanghai. As the newest initiative of an extensive and multi-phase riverfront revitalization, the North Bund extends several kilometers along the winding Huangpu River. Once a sequestered shipping port, the site is now poised to become a major public destination for commerce and leisure activities, as well as perform the important task of reconnecting the city with its riverfront.   北外滩由Perkins Eastman EE&K 公司设计,该公司对北外滩的贡献主要包括八栋新修建筑,其中一栋还在建设中,建筑物高度不一,最高建筑物高130米,共同构建了新码头。每个新建筑都有一个绿色屋顶,冰库、可操作的窗户和抬高的地板系统,以提高能源使用效率。另外还有各种玻璃、钢结构和红土外立面,这样的设计不仅可以吸收充足的阳光,还可以反射码头上的灯光。   Designed by EE&K a Perkins Eastman company, the firm’s extensive contributions to the North Bun



  如同过去的几年一样,http://www.iarch.cn/thread-27084-1-1.html 专筑网,快题,建筑手绘,建筑方案 在2014年依旧能看到不少积极分子在街头抗议示威。例如中国香港的伞运动支持普选,而弗格森的警察暴行事件使这里一下子成为了种族示威活动的中心。从纽约到委内瑞拉再到巴勒斯坦及土耳其,各种就严重问题提出抗议的游行示威事件频频发生。但在马其顿,反对者们却在为一件相对轻松但却十分重要的事情进行抗议。   一大群市民聚集在斯科普里GTC现代购物中心,这里是这个城市最受欢迎的地方之一。GTC这类社会主义建筑如今正遭到政府项目的威胁,政府希望将它们的外立面改造成巴洛克风格。2014年斯科普里将新建20座新古典主义风格的建筑以及将近40座雕塑。这样大规模的整修工程打着美化城市形象的旗号,实则被指谪为民族主义退化的劣作。   As in the past several years, 2014 saw activists take to the streets in major protests around the world. Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement demanded open elections without new regulation by China, while Ferguson became the center of racially-charged demonstrations against police brutality. From New York to Venezuela to Palestine and Turkey, uprisings addressed serious issues. In Macedonia, however, protesters are taking on a more light-hearted — but not unimportant — cause.   A group of citizens in Skopje have gathered around the GTC, a modernist shopping mall that has become a beloved part of their city. The GTC's Socialist architecture is



  建筑事务所Miss_vdr和heri&salli共同设计了‘维也纳建筑文化’的展览。http://www.iarch.cn/thread-27086-1-1.html 专筑网,快题,建筑手绘,建筑方案 这一年的主题是“在2014年结束之际换个方式去思考你的城市”。   Architecture offices miss_vdrarchitektur and heri&salli carried out the exhibition design for 'Building Culture Wien'. This year's theme is 'Think your city differently' that takes place in Vienna until the end of this year 2014.   这次展览设计的主要目的是将展览本身从展览空间中抽离出来,重新将设计与信息结合,同时增加了空间的体验价值。所以展览设计在同一时间代表了内容、图像、材质,并且计划在将来循环利用。图像的设计交给了澳大利亚艺术公司zunderzwo。   The design's main aim was to detach itself from the existing exhibition space, to unite the exhibition design and the information and, at the same time, suggest the added value of experienced space. Therefore, the exhibition design stands for content, image and material at the same time and it is planned to be reused in the future. The graphic design was carried out by Austrian art office zunder zwo.   事务所对该项目的描述。以一种简单的方式将方木条组成一种类似货架系统。这样也可以形成互交空间。   Description of project by the architects.By means of simplicity square


zeb飞行员之家/ Snøhetta

  斯诺赫塔(Snøhetta)事务所是零排放建筑研究中心(ZEB)的活跃成员之一。http://www.iarch.cn/thread-27090-1-1.html 专筑网,专筑视界,专筑学堂,专筑粮仓 该项目是由 Snøhetta、SINTEF(斯堪的纳维亚半岛最大的独立研究机构)、Brødrene Dah(ZEB的合作伙伴)和Optimera共同合作完成的一座实验性的建筑。从建筑体量上看这只是一户单体住宅,作为一个公众展示平台,用来研究学习建造综合可持续建筑的方法。   Snøhetta is an active partner within ZEB (The Research Center on Zero Emission Buildings). The ZEB Multi-Comfort House is a cooperation between Snøhetta, Scandinavia’s largest independent research body SINTEF, ZEB partner Brødrene Dahl, and Optimera. The volume of the house describes a single family house, however, the building is intended for use as a demonstration platform to facilitate learning on building methodology for plus houses with integrated sustainable solutions.   为了达到ZEB-OM的等级目标,这一项目需要记录并验证其做到了二氧化碳零排放。建筑通过装置在围合结构上的光伏发电板和太阳能集热板生产可再生能源,代替发电站产生的能源,以此抵消燃烧化石燃料产生的碳排放量,同时也减少了其他温室气体的排放。关注于建筑材料的碳排放代表了一个新的研究方向,这是建筑迈向可持续发展时代的重要驱动力。   To achieve ZEB-OM classification the project is required to document and verify a minimum of 100% CO2 offsetting. Renewable energy prod


红点文旅/ Steven Wu+Wang Pe-Jen

  来自事务所的描述。红点文旅是由有35年历史的银河宾馆改造而成,于2014年正式落成。http://www.iarch.cn/thread-27095-1-1.html 专筑网,快题,建筑手绘,建筑方案 为此,设计团队曾在文旅附近区域进行过深入的采风调查。他们发现这个历史底蕴深厚的区域拥有大量由精细材料筑造的典雅建筑。所以他们决定在重建的同时保留当地建筑的独特风韵,让这个旅馆为大家静静地讲述这里的故事。   From the architect. Reddot Hotel is transformation of a thirty-five year old hotel formerly the Galaxy Hotel. 2014, the building was reconstructed and got rebirth. Therefore, the design team began by doing a thoughtful research of the district where the hotel is located. They discovered the old and aging district is packed with elegant buildings with fine materials. So, they decided the effort to bring new life to the hotel should be combined with a mission to give the building a significant role to tell the story of the district.   项目摒弃了寻常旅馆的建材。在经历过时间考验之后,一些材料的性质被重新发掘,并且烙上了这个地区特有的烙印。比如旅馆采用了当地传统的红色砖块和卵石作为外包材料,使建筑具有浓浓的当地特色,同时唤起人们内心旧时的美好回忆。   The ordinary building materials for hotel design are abandoned. The nature of materials from tough times is rediscovered within the space-time memory. For example, t



  来自事务所的描述。http://www.iarch.cn/thread-27087-1-1.html 专筑网,专筑视界,专筑学堂,专筑粮仓 项目所在地-扬州市湾头镇,自古以来就以玉器加工而闻名。在当地整体规划中,计划将该镇发展成为以玉器加工和交易为特色的文化旅游景点。项目基地位于湾头古镇的入口位置,原址为一所4层高的小学校。由于预算相当有限,我们的业主希望把它改造成集开放式玉器工作坊、展览和商业空间于一体的综合功能空间。   From the architect. Location of the project: Wantou village of Yangzhou, has been famous for its tradition of Jade carving. Local government planned to turn Wantou to a sightseeing spot featuring fabrication and trade of jade-handicrafts. The project sits at the entrance of the old village, previous occupation was a 4-story high elementary school. With quite limited budget our client want it to be renovated into a mix-use with an open workshop and exhibition, commercial space.   虽然无论从美学上,还是从施工质量上来说,这所小学校都不能称的上一个好的建筑作品。但它简单明了的功能主义,它的真实性,以及它所具有的独特的80年代特征,都深深的打动了我们。我们希望通过我们的设计,在注入新功能之后,这些老的特征还是能够继续保留。   Although the existing school building is not really strong in terms of both aesthetics and construction quality, its straight-forward functionalism, its authenticity and its unique 80`s features h